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Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Fundamental Things Apply

I've recently taken to a new catchphrase. This catchphrase being a simple, harmless, two word affair:
"I die."

For some reason I say it all the time-when things are too cute, too funny, to heart-wrenching, anything in excess garners the use of the most excessive state of living (or lack thereof).

I suppose what I mean to say is that my body can't physically take just how cute/awesome/sad/horrible/great/perfect the thing I'm talking about is and I die.

Apparently, Rachel Zoe uses this catchphrase also. But, I digress...

In the same vein, I've taken to falling completely flat on the ground. I've done this three times in my life so far and thus the magic spell of three has been fulfilled and it's become an affectation which has become a habit.

The Three Events in which I fell flat on the floor, By Uzma

  1. Someone was showing everyone a really ugly picture of me so I fell on the floor and wailed
  2. Someone stole my beloved "Make Love not Horcruxes" shirt from the dryer and I crumpled into a heap on the laundry room floor and wailed
  3. This morning, I poured myself a heaping bowl of fruity pebbles, which are NOT available at school, and then there was NO MORE MILK, someone put an empty carton back in the fridge! So I crumpled into a pile on the kitchen floor and, you betcha, I wailed. 
For some reason this excess of theatrics is funny to me, even though I don't laugh whilst taking part, I know that I do these things for other people's laughs. Anything for a cheap laugh=story of my life. 
I die.

On another note, it's so wonderful how something as simple as lighting a fire in the fireplace makes everything a million times better. Maybe it's the familiar glow of the flames, the warmth, the smell, the crackling, or even all of your senses being entertained at once by that old, conflagrant, friend. The connotations associated with the open fire are so deliciously wholesome and homey and friendly and just giggly and cookies. 
A fire is cookies. 

Factor in the delicious cinnamon smells wafting from the kitchen, the bustling hub-bub of family, the hoy ploy and hullaballoo, and is there anything better than the holidays?

The absolute absence of school worries, the not knowing what day it is, the ridiculous amounts of time spent asleep or partially asleep...the big delicious beds that you won't die if you roll out of, the general happiness that emanates from everyone and everything: it's the magic of the holidays! 

All of the specials on the television, timeless, that have been airing since you were a child... I mean I never realized just how short these specials are. The animated version of The Grinch is only THIRTY MINUTES LONG. When I was a kid, it felt like hours. That just goes to show how much we grow up, and how much time really means to us as we grow older. My attention has the capacity to spend hours and hours on the internet doing literally nothing at all, but when I was four, I couldn't sit still for thirty minutes unless the television was airing bright colors and cartoons. Where's that little Uzma gone now? Where is the little girl who couldn't sit still for a minute? Who could run around for hours and never get tired? Where is the little girl who dreaded going to bed and always begged to stay up for five more minutes? What happened to waking up before everyone and sneaking down to watch cartoons and run around? I used to find joy in the smallest, silliest things, and right now as I watch my little cousins running around with toys that hardly do anything entertaining, yet they are still having the times of their lives, I wonder at what point exactly did I evolve into this grown up? 

When I was younger, I abhorred the monotonous tones of Jim Lehrer as he came on everyday after Arthur; I hated everyone who wouldn't play with me. I used to be so angry when my parents would be too busy to play with me, but I would get over it in less than five seconds when something else caught my attention. 

I'm one of those adults now, I just realized. It breaks my heart. I've grown up. My cousin just asked me to play with him and I said "Maybe later." 

I remember when I would hear those words and huff away with indignant childishness off to play by myself...

I'm an adult. 

When did that happen? I suppose around those hazy midnight hours last year as I turned 18, I legally became an adult, but when did I let myself lose the kid in me? When did I stop caring about playing? When did I start caring about things that don't matter like money and time and what other people think of me? 

I want it back. I want to be able to find hours of entertainment from something other than the internet, something like a lifeless, plain, little doll that doesn't do anything unless I imagine her to. 

There it is. That's what I've been missing. 

Growing up is the replacement of the magic of imagination with the harsh, coldness of reality. Grown ups need reality because it's reassurring,  it exists, it's palpable. It's real. It's there. 

But a kid? A child doesn't need anything. A child is fine, a child is not afraid. Children are free. They don't need reality to fall back on, they don't need reality for support. They are fine with not knowing what comes next, the future, the unknown. They are happy to live in the present. To exist in the moment, to stay simple and happy from day to day.


I want that kid back. I have to go play with my cousin now, it's the least I can do. 

The nagging in my mind won't stop for a while, though, I'm sure.

When did I grow up? 
When did I become one of them? 

It happens to everyone. 

It's like when you sit outside and watch the sunset, waiting for that single moment during which the sun dips below the horizon and the light is doused by the inky blueblack of the night sky.
And you watch and watch
and wait,
not daring to blink lest you miss that moment...
And all of a sudden, and you don't quite know how, the stars are blinking against a velvety indigo blanket of sky and the sun has gone away until tomorrow...and you've missed the moment.

And maybe, just maybe, 

it's not a moment at all. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I'm tired of college. 
It's boring.
I hate exams.
Ok, enough angst. That ish stays in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
I have two difficult exams on Tuesday. 
Art History and Political Science.

Then sweet freedom for a whole month and new classes! Old friends from home and then new ones in the spring.

College is great, but it's almost like...
Is this it?
I don't think it gets better, I mean this isn't bad, but I feel it has plateaued. It's classes. It's tests. It's funzies. 

It's not super exciting....It's
It is what it is.
I'm being such an angsty little baby.
Listening to angsty music.
Being ill. 
Needing to study but not. 

Everyone is leaving slowly. This place is emptying out. 
I have  a hacking cough. 
Nasty, phlegmless, hacking grossness. 

I sound like an old man. 


C'est la vie. 


I am feeling like...constricted, and frustrated and I don't know why really. It's just one of those days. When you're just in a funk, you know, and something is wrong but nothing you can really see. Maybe it's the weather,  and the winter blues rears its ugly head. Maybe it's the blues.



I know what it is. 

I have the mean reds. 

Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds? 

Paul: The mean reds, you mean like the blues? 

Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling? 

Paul: Sure. 

Holly Golightly: Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name...

I just feel like I want something and I don't know what it is and that's frustrating. You know? 
These are the things I know I want: 

-To finish my exams and get good grades on the last two hard ones.
-To go home.
-To not worry about my exams.
-To get things done and over with. 

I want to be able to not care. I want to be done. I'm so ready to be done right now. 

I need a cup of tea. That is what I need. I need a cup of tea and I need to fold my laundry and I need to pack and I need to clean my room and I need to hunker down and study because if I don't, I know I'll regret it. 

I need to get over this god awful plague I'm suffering from. And I need to go home and see my family because I miss them and I need to eat real food and read a good book and I need to not have these mean reds. 

I hate wasting my time not being happy.

I'm just so irritated right now and it's so silly.

Tea time.


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I have never felt so broken: Eulogy for a shirt.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here to say our goodbyes...
On this day, December 2010...a Tuesday...
It was the last time I laid eyes on my beloved "Make Love Not Horcruxes" T-shirt....
A gorgeous black shirt with white print...simple, elegant, and with an even more powerful message.

I remember when I first received my shirt. It was a gift from a friend, handmade, with iron ons. It was the best thing I have ever gotten. And to think someone would steal it from me, from a Brumby dryer. My heart breaks to think of someone else inside my shirt. My soul is tearing as I speak. I think I'm actually making horcruxes from grief!  To the thief, can I just say...try for some remorse.
This loss has shaken me quite literally to my core. I am a broken individual at the moment, drowning in the knowledge that I will never, ever see my precious shirt again. 

       Looking back, I wish I had spent more time in it. You never do realize just how much you love something until you no longer have it.The gentle 100% American Apparel cotton softness on my skin, the perfect not too box-y, not too tight fit, the way it made me discover lifelong friends...I wish I had taken at least a single picture wearing it. Unfortunately, and probably, fatefully, there are no photographs of me in my beloved precious shirt. No one will ever know that it existed, and one day, like all things that are lost, I may forget about it completely.  And maybe one day I'll remember it, like a flash of a thought, of something that once was, but is no longer, and it'll pass too quickly to matter, like the words that you can never quite find on the tip of your tongue...and just like that it'll stop existing. Because no one will ever remember that it existed. And life will barrel on like a runaway train...but as long as I can, I will always try and remember the good times I had in this shirt. Goodbye, Women's XS. May you rest in piece. 

Goodbye, Uzma's shirt,
Though I never wore you enough, 
And it seems to me you lived  your life like a candle in the wind...
Never knowing who to cling to, when the rain set in...
And I would have liked to wear you...
But I was just a kid...
You were kidnapped from me, 
I loved you more so much more
 than anyone else ever did...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

4 AM, I pontificate

I thought it would be fun to see what came out of me after I spent all day doing nothing but writing my freaking paper. I researched for like 49894 hours then I wrote for like 2 hours. I busted out 14 pages in 2 hours I know you want to be me but you can't so stop trying. There is and only ever will be one me. oh my god I'm so tired ok i give up on conventions and grammar and stuff because really it's four am and you should not care about that stuff anyway my head hurts and i need to take a shower but its so far and i should take one in the morning to wake up....but i wont....but i should is it better to wake up and be awake from a shower and lose sleep? or should i sleep more and not shower? because then i would be awake from getting more sleep except im already not getting enough, so uh. what is going onnnnnnnnn nothingmkaes sense im hearing voices or something my head hurts im too tired to walk to my room. im sleeping in suzannes room except i can sleep witout miss ladybug she is my microfiber pillow pet i got her for 19.99 at kroger using my bulldawg bucks because it is the way to p ay at uga. except i mainly use my bulldawg bucks and then i put it on my student account because im like yeah mom jmust pay it its a fee and she does adn its like free money. sometimes i dont like my mom but ilike everyone in my family a lot more now that im in college my stomac feels like a dragon is eating it its this weird not painful not hungry
well kind og hungry feeling like the stomach acid is destorying it from within like that at this point im tyuping with my eyes closed because im half asleep and also my head hurts so sorry byt it's time to gooo i love you kiss kiss hug hug bye byeeee

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More work that I'm not doing. Oh, whattup BLOG.

The SLC is unbelievably depressing. Like no joke.
It is completely silent except for the sound of shuffling papers and pittery pattery keys, which a sound I normally like but not when they are being Imperius cursed into writing 12 pages about voter freaking turnout.
My last class with my beloved art history professor is tomorrow so I have to look smokin' hot, sit in the front, and say something really profound, impressive, and fall in love worthy. That is my goal.
I'm in love with him because he's attractive, but also he has a husky, crunchy, manly voice and he's unbelievably passionate about what he teaches.
And if there's one thing I love, it's people who love stuff. I love hearing people talk about what they love. I love the glow and the excitement and the trying to talk fast and say more and stumbling over words in happiness and the smiles that won't go away and I LOVE IT. I love him. It's not a superficial passion either. He IS an artist.
One day in class he became so overwhelmed with what he was teaching that he had to stop and breathe and finally just said that "Art makes life worth living." and dismissed class.
I love him.

Guess what? I have to pee.
But I can't. I'm too lazy.


Haha just kidding.

Yesterday morning, on the bus to class, this really hot guy sat by me. And this is significant because there were other empty seats, even doubly empty seats, but he chose to sit by you know, it was game time.
But this kid was like overwhelmingly attractive. Black haired, blue eyed, tan skinned, strong jawboned, sleeves rolled up, scruffy chinned, strong forearmed type of attractive. And he smiled at me too.

Luckily it was a day I was looking good! (rare)

So I didn't know what to do, so I decided to drink my lemonade because I don't know for some reason I thought that would attract him? I'm stupid.
Anyway, he dropped his pen (on purpose I think) on my side and said in his velvety voice "Oh, can you pick that up?" and I said:


But I didn't, because I had lemonade on my mouth that I forgot to swallow and it spilled out like Cho and Harry in the fourth movie, and it dribbled out of my mouth, down my chin, down my shirt....


I'm never getting married on account of I have zero game.

So I got off at the next stop and went my merry way.


Get Low came on in the shower while I was showering, AGAIN, and this sense of foreboding stole over me like the chill you feel when a Dementor is near, and do you know what happens?
HATE my life.
Stood outside in the freezing cold during a rainy day in the daylight in my towel wrap with shampoo in my hair and half shaven legs.

It sucks to be me.

Today I tried to air quote with my on mittens and it didn't work.
